Cincinnati Reds tornado into last location with 100th loss on season's last day

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Cincinnati Reds tornado into last location with 100th loss on season's last day

Today's Cincinnati Reds game looped all of the subplots that this unpleasant season had India, hurt last night, was a late scratch from today's Pittsburgh Pirates won, the Reds lost - obviously - which sunk the Reds into a last location coating on the season's final day thanks to Pittsburgh having actually owned the heck out of the period collection between both Chicago Cubs, tanking in their very own right, shellacked the Reds by a 15-2 top of all of it, the Reds loss was their 100th of the season, a mark of futility that will not soon be neglected around these, or any kind of, , underperformance, lack of investment, and a total apathy has actually enveloped this club over the last two-ish years, with a series of actions of abdication and scoffishness the only major styles from those accountable. An online reputation has actually been formed by this possession team whether they're watchful enough to see it, or otherwise Dale Berra Jersey, and dear god did their item this season live up to that rep.I would certainly like to believe this is the type of rock-bottom for which we have long looked for with this, the 2nd major reconstruct of the Reds considering that 2015. The last half of that sentence need to be descriptive enough of just exactly how fed up we must be, we are with this group, however lord understands there are hundreds of thousands more words we could define if the spirit so endeth the 2022 Cincinnati Reds, as futile at the coating as they were throughout their 3-22 begin to the season, neither rebound neither revelation a part of their six month journey via the timetable. A 62-100 season for the ages.
