Fallout 76: 7 Essential Tips to Master Fasnacht Day

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This topic will cover a handful of useful tips to keep in mind while completing Fasnacht Day.

Fasnacht is one of the most popular seasonal events in Fallout 76. Loosely based on the real-world event, Fasnacht in Fallout involves robots, Super Mutants, and large dangerous creatures. For the most part, the event is relatively easy to complete. That said, players can do a few things to ensure that things go smoothly. This topic will cover a handful of useful tips to keep in mind while completing Fasnacht Day.

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Prepare Before The Event Starts

Fasnacht Day begins at the top of every hour. When it starts, players will need to find and help 5 robots get ready for the event. There is a total of 8 robots. 5 will be chosen at random for each event. Many of the robots will need the player to hand over specific items such as beeswax, Old Fasnacht Steins, and Radtoad Eggs.

It's possible to hit the ground running by gathering the following resources before the event starts:

    12 x Intestines: Obtainable From Small Animals Around Helvetia
    10 x Old Fasnacht Steins: Can Be Found All Over Helvetia
    10 x Beeswax: Can Be Found Around The Beekeeper's Shack
    50 x Wood: Wood Can Be Found All Over Appalachia. But There's A Big Pile Behind The Baker's Building
    20 Radtoad Eggs: Can Be Looted From Radtoads Or Found In The Stream In Helvetia During The Event

By having all of these items on hand, it's possible to get at least one or two robots ready straight away.

Blow Up The Cars

The main goal of the event is to keep all 5 robots alive. While players can complete the event if only one robot survives, it's much better to keep all of the robots alive if possible. It's not just enemy attacks that players will need to look out for while the robots parade around the town.

There are a handful of cars dotted around the area. Once a vehicle has taken enough damage, it will explode. This explosion can damage or even destroy the robots. Blowing up these vehicles before the event starts helps to give players a better chance at finishing the event with all 5 robots still standing.

Set Up A CAMP Nearby

The area around Helvetia during Fasnacht is a hotspot for CAMPs. Players build CAMPs around the area to sell goods to players. While this is a good way of making plenty of extra Caps, having a nearby CAMP can also give the player easy access to their stash box.

Since most players will have a healthy amount of junk, including wood, in their stash box, there will be no need to run around the town gathering wood to get ready for the event.

The Three Main Attack Points

Veteran players will know where enemies will spawn. Newer players on the other hand aren't going to know an awful lot about the attacks that take place during the event. There are three main attacks. The first one happens at the end of the road. The way to tell that the attack is about to begin is the Mater Of Ceremonies will stop moving. The first wave consists of Radtoads.

The second wave takes place across the bridge, right in the open area of the town. The second attack is considerably harder to deal with than the first. A wave of Super Mutants, Super Mutant Suiciders, and Mutant Hounds will come from all angles. It's important not to let the Suiciders get too close to the robots.

The final wave comes when the robots get back to where they started the march. This attack is made up of a handful of insects and wolves. There will also be a 1-star legendary boss enemy like an Ogua or a Sheepsquatch. Players should work quickly to take down the boss enemy.

Switch Servers For A Chance To Get Double Rewards

The faster the event is completed, the higher the chances that the player will be able to switch servers and catch the back end of another Fasnacht event. By doing this, the player is effectively doubling the amount of rewards they'll be receiving. They'll also be doubling their chances of getting one of the rare masks.

While the chance of the player being able to do this every hour is very slim, it's worth trying just in case. The event only runs for a couple of weeks, so players should try to complete as many as possible.

Heal The Robots As You Go

As mentioned in a previous entry, keeping the robots alive is a must. Because of all of the firing and explosions that go on during an event, the chances of all robots making it through without taking any damage are slim. However, players using a Medic's weapon can hit the robots to keep their health up.

Fallout 76 has some overpowered weapons that are almost broken in the right hands. Here are some of the best ones in the game.

Keep An Eye Out For Those Who Aren't Actively Playing

While the Fasnacht event is very popular, there is also quite a lot of controversy around players going AFK during the event. Since most players have things they need to do in real life, many opt to leave their characters spinning somewhere in a corner. By doing this, the player who has gone AFK is still able to get rewards without having to join in on the event.

Some players have no issues with this while others can't stand it when players do it. There is no set rule. Before an event starts, it's worth scanning the area to see how many players are actually active. If most players on the server are AFK then it might be worth trying another server. Also, for those considering leaving their character in a world to claim rewards, consider playing a musical instrument. This offers a little bit of help during the times when playing music is a requirement.
